A White Christmas

A White Christmas

Each Christmas with my husband and children has been wonderful. But, there was one Christmas before my marriage, that was especially memorable. I have also had good and memorable Christmases growing up, but this particular Christmas was in between, when I was on my mission. We spent Christmas morning with the White family.

This particular Christmas was perfect. It was truly focused on Jesus Christ. It was spirit filled. They began with a slideshow, showing their recent trip to Jerusalem. They talked about how they felt walking the paths that He walked, the historic sites they saw and their relationship and significance to the Bible, and all that they learned. When they finished, they passed around a lit candle, and each person (about a dozen of us) held it and shared how they saw Jesus in their lives this past year. 

The bit about the candle could have been seen as cheesy, but it wasn’t at all. Every person took it very seriously, and it made the whole experience wonderful. The slideshow was fascinating. The testimonies were so full of the Spirit. The entire morning was wonderful.

I have yet to master the art of how to make Christmas so meaningful,  especially without being able to afford a trip to Jerusalem, but I’m sure it is possible somehow. If you have a way that you focus Christmas on the Savior, I would love to hear it. Please email me.

Email: youngfamilyjournal@gmail.com